May 7th is
National Brain Donation Awareness Day

We’ve come so far in the few short years since we launched the Brain Donor Project—and we’re passionate about sharing our message to even more people that there is a critical need for brain donation.
We’re grateful for the thousands of people who have already pre-registered their brains to be donated to neuroscience research. Their generous and selfless gifts help to further the progression of scientific research and breakthroughs.
Advancing Science. Backed by Congress.
In 2022, in partnership with the American Brain Coalition, the Brain Donor Project declared May 7th as National Brain Donation Awareness Day with support from a bipartisan Congressional Resolution (H. Res. 1069) introduced by Neuroscience Caucus chair, Rep. Earl Blumenaur (D-OR-03) and co-lead Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01). In May 2023, the resolution was reintroduced (H. Res. 361) to the new Congress making this an important multi-year resolution. With their support, and the support of many patient advocacy and brain health organizations, we will continue to spread the word about the need for brain donation, and dispel myths and fears people might have. Science needs more brains, from all kinds of people.
We chose May 7th as National Brain Donation Awareness Day because it was the birthday of Gene Armentrout who inspires all our work.
Help us celebrate this annual observance! Here are ways you can help:
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Follow, like, comment and share our social media posts – especially as we promote National Brain Donation Awareness Day. This will help us spread the word to others who may not yet know about brain donation, the Brain Donor Project, or the inaugural Brain Donation Awareness Day.
Use Our Resources
If you’re an organization or individual who wants to show your support, find our social media toolkit repository here with logos and sample posts to use on your own channels. Be sure to tag us and use #braindonationawarenessday in your posts as you share them!
Inspired by One Man’s Gift
You might know that The Brain Donor Project was inspired by one man’s gift of brain donation. After his diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia, Gene Armentrout, father of BDP founder Tish Hevel, had a wish that his brain might help someone else. He donated his brain with the goal of furthering science, hoping that someday it might keep another person from suffering from the debilitating effects of brain disease.
Thank you for spreading the word about the need for donated human brains. The need has never been more urgent – for all kinds of brains, from all kinds of people. Neuroscientists require the tissue to better understand how the brain works, and to make progress toward preventing, diagnosing, treating and curing brain diseases. And that can have a lasting impact for future generations – your family and others – to come.
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