Science Can’t Thank You Enough…

When we get a chance to talk with these future donors, the sentiment is nearly universal – if it saves one family from suffering with the terrible disease that’s impacting their own family, people are happy to do it.

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

Neon Sign that says Use Your Brain

An aging parent presents certain complications in every family. And when that person begins forgetting details, repeating the same questions, or having trouble with simple tasks, a frightening question begins to emerge. When is it normal signs of aging and when is it dementia?

What the Pandemic is Shouting at Us

Among the things that COVID has slapped us in the face about is the flat-out necessity of solid medical research and its power to keep our planet spinning the way it’s supposed to. What can you do about it? How do you feel about an easy action that nearly everyone can take to provide a precious resource for medical research?

Lessons From a Boy and his Monkey

National Geographic cover featuring a boy with a small monkey on his head and page titled "More Brains Make Research Possible"

A year ago at this time a yellow magazine cover bearing the photo of a little boy with a monkey on his head suddenly appeared and made one heck of a mark on The Brain Donor Project.

A Salute To Those Whose Brains Are Going Places

Neon Sign that says Use Your Brain

Three years ago, in October of 2016, The Brain Donor Project began operating to make sure people know about the critical need for people to donate their brains to neuroscience when they die.

An Unexpected Positive

Kathy McKenzie said a final goodbye to her husband Michael on December 5, 2017. She had taken care of him as he suffered through Parkinson’s Disease and Lewy Body Dementia for more than ten years.

Scientists Identify Urgent Need For PD Brain Donation

This simple step can advance Parkinson's research

It’s no secret that scientists these days are coming at Parkinson’s Disease with everything they have—including enhanced brain imaging technologies, advancements in the search for biomarkers and a better understanding of the role played by alpha-synuclein.

When Show and Tell Gets Real

TEDx Cincinnati

I owe a lot to someone I’ve never met. He’s gone now…but he lived to be 101 years old and was said to be very astute up until the time he died. His brain turned out to be slightly larger and showing fewer signs of deterioration than a typical person his age, and there’s probably […]

Hellooooooo Wyoming!

Here we are six months into folks signing up to donate their brains when they die through the Brain Donor Project – and the results have been pretty phenomenal: We’ve heard from people who suffer from 40 different categories of neurological diseases and disorders. Those with autism, essential tremor, dementia, mental illness, ME/CFS, epilepsy, ataxia, […]