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Advancing Science. Backed by Congress.

In 2022, in partnership with the American Brain Coalition, the Brain Donor Project launched May 7th as National Brain Donation Awareness Day with support from a bipartisan Congressional Resolution (H. Res. 1069)  introduced by Neuroscience Caucus chair, Rep. Earl Blumenaur (D-OR-03) and co-lead Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01).

Last week, the two Congressmen partnered again to reintroduce the resolution (H. Res. 361) to the new Congress making this an important multi-year resolution. With their support, and the support of many patient advocacy and brain health organizations, we will continue to spread the word about the need for brain donation, and dispel myths and fears people might have. Science needs more brains, from all kinds of people.

We’re already looking forward to the Third Annual Brain Donation Awareness Day next year on May 7.

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